Suitability analysis of wind data for habitat forecasting of the Pacific saury fishery in northwestern Pacific Ocean
摘要: 为探讨风场数据在西北太平洋秋刀鱼栖息地预报中的应用适宜性,本文基于中国2019−2020年的6−11月在西北太平洋公海的秋刀鱼生产数据、中法海洋卫星(CFOSAT)共4种风场数据及海洋环境数据,利用广义可加模型构建夏、秋季秋刀鱼栖息地适宜性指数(Habitat Suitability Index, HSI)模型。结果显示:(1)环境变量对单位捕捞渔获量的影响权重表现出明显季节特征,夏、秋季影响最高权重值分别为叶绿素浓度和海表面温度,风速的权重值分别为最低和第二位,风速大小与权重值高低成正比;(2)四组卫星数据夏、秋季的检验精度平均值分别为68.37%和76.65%,最高为秋季CFOSAT达80.94%;(3)HSI高值区域与秋刀鱼实际渔场的空间分布移动方向基本一致,散射计卫星在台风多发的秋季HSI高值区更为突出和集中。应用风速的预报模型在秋季速报中具有优势,能够反映瞬时环境变量的变化对秋刀鱼鱼群洄游和集聚的影响。Abstract: To analysis the suitability of using wind field data for forecasting Pacific saury habitat in the northwest Pacific, this paper use the generalized additive model to fit the habitat suitability index (HSI) for Pacific saury in summer and autumn, based on the Chinese fishery data, environmental data and four types of wind field data included the China-France oceanography satellite (CFOSAT) during June to November in 2019−2020.Result indicates that, (1) Weighted analysis shows distinct seasonal variation of environmental variables on catch per unit effort, with chlorophyll concentration and sea surface temperature having the highest weights in summer and autumn, respectively, while wind speed had the lowest weight and directly proportional to the weight. (2) The average accuracy of the four data in summer and autumn is 68.37% and 76.65%, respectively, and CFOSAT reaching the highest accuracy of 80.94% in autumn. (3) The high-HSI areas are consistent with the fishing grounds of Pacific saury, while the high-value regions of scatter meter in autumn show clear and focus. The advantages of using wind speed on the forecast model in autumn, which can explain the influence of transient variation factors on the migration and aggregation of Pacific saury.
Key words:
- pacific saury fishing ground /
- GAM /
- Habitat forecast /
- Northwestern Pacific Ocean
表 1
$ {\mathrm{S}\mathrm{I}}_{m} $ 拟合结果Tab. 1 Result of fitted
$ {\mathrm{S}\mathrm{I}}_{m} $ autumn summer parameter CFOSAT ASCATB CFOSAT ASCATB R2 step interval weight/% R2 step interval weight/% R2 step interval weight/% R2 step interval weight/% SST 0.97 0.39 29.05 0.95 0.39 32.75 0.75 0.42 16.13 0.73 0.095 12.77 CHLA 0.91 0.037 15.05 0.9 0.035 12.14 0.76 0.0125 31.59 0.74 0.01 39.14 MLD 0.9 3.8 18.3 0.97 3.8 17.38 0.9 2.9 21.13 0.94 2.9 17.96 SLA 0.92 0.0275 15.58 0.92 0.0275 17.63 0.96 0.02 18.45 0.93 0.018 16.61 WIND 0.86 0.5 22.02 0.93 0.45 20.1 0.95 1 12.71 0.97 1 13.51 parameter CCMP FUSION CCMP FUSION R2 step interval weight/% R2 step interval weight/% R2 step interval weight/% R2 step interval weight/% SST 0.91 0.45 34.61 0.91 0.45 34.41 0.75 0.095 12.97 0.73 0.095 12.83 CHLA 0.87 0.022 14 0.87 0.022 14.12 0.87 0.025 36.54 0.89 0.025 38.18 MLD 0.98 4 19.13 0.98 4 18.86 0.9 3.5 19.4 0.9 3.5 18.44 SLA 0.92 0.025 15.89 0.92 0.025 15.84 0.96 0.018 18.21 0.96 0.018 18.1 WIND 0.93 0.5 16.37 0.85 0.39 16.77 0.91 0.7 12.87 0.96 0.5 12.75 Note:SST(°C),SLA(m),CHLA(mg/m3),MLD(m),WIND(m/s) -
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