Transcriptome analysis of liver of juvenile Rachycentron canadum under low temperature stress
摘要: 为研究低温胁迫对军曹鱼幼鱼的影响,将军曹鱼幼鱼饲养于常温[(30.5 ± 1.0)℃]和低温[(20.0 ± 0.5)℃]7 d后对军曹鱼肝脏进行有参转录组测序,每组3个生物学重复。结果显示,6个测序样品共检测到约243 694 134个raw reads,所有样品Q30均超过94%,GC在47.65%~48.16%范围内。共筛选出4 362个差异表达基因,其中2 793个基因上调,1 569个基因下调。KEGG通路富集分析结果显示,在脂质代谢中,大量差异基因富集在脂代谢过程、脂质生物合成过程、甘油磷脂代谢过程、磷脂代谢过程和甘油脂代谢过程等生物过程中, PPAR信号通路中PPARα、PPARβ、SCD-1、CPT-1和CPT-2等多个脂代谢相关基因对军曹鱼幼鱼应对低温胁迫具有关键作用;在糖代谢中,大量基因富集于糖酵解/糖异生、半乳糖代谢、淀粉和蔗糖代谢、戊糖和葡萄糖醛酸酯的相互转化等生物过程,其中G6PC、ENO等基因在军曹鱼幼鱼应对低温胁迫时发挥重要调节作用。Abstract: In order to systematically study the effect of low temperature stress on the lipid metabolism of cobia juvenile, cobia juveniles were raised at normal temperature [(30.5 ± 1.0)℃] and low temperature [(20.0 ± 0.5)℃] for 7 days, and then the cobia livers were sequenced with genome-based transcriptome, and there were 3 biological replicates in each group. The research results show that a total of 243,694,134 row reads were found in 6 sequencing samples. The Q30 of all samples exceeded 94%, and the GC was in the range of 47.65%-48.16%. A total of 4,362 differentially expressed genes were screened, of which 2,793 genes were up-regulated, and 1,569 genes were down-regulated. In terms of lipid metabolism, A large number of differential genes are enriched in biological processes such as lipid metabolism, lipid biosynthesis, glycerophospholipid metabolism, phospholipid metabolism and glycerideid metabolism, and also found that multiple lipid metabolism-related genes in the PPAR signaling pathway, such as PPARα, PPARβ, SCD-1, CPT-1, and CPT-2 play a key role in cobia juvenile under low temperature stress. In terms of glucose metabolism, a great many of genes are enriched in biological processes such as glycolysis/gluconeogenesis, galactose metabolism, starch and sucrose metabolism, and pentose and glucuronate interconversions. Notably, genes such as G6PC and ENO play crucial regulatory roles in the response of cobia juvenile to low temperature stress.
Key words:
- low temperature stress /
- Rachycentron canadum /
- transcriptome /
- lipid metabolism /
- glucose metabolism
图 2 富集前20的GO terms
第一圈:富集前20的GO term,圈外为基因数目的坐标尺,不同的颜色代表不同的Ontology;第二圈:背景基因中该GO term的数目以及Q值,基因越多条形越长,Q值越小颜色越红;第三圈:上下调基因比例条形图,深紫色代表上调基因比例,浅紫色代表下调基因比例,下方显示具体的数值;第四圈:各GO term的RichFactor值(该GO term中差异基因数量除以所有数量),背景网格线每一格代表0.1
Fig. 2 The first 20 enriched GO terms
The first circle: the first 20 enriched GO terms, outside the circle is the coordinate ruler of gene number, and different colors represent different Ontology; The second circle: the number and Q value of the GO term in the background gene, the more genes, the longer the bars, and the smaller the Q value, the redder the color; The third circle: bar chart of the proportion of up and down genes, dark purple represents the proportion of up genes, light purple represents the proportion of down genes, and specific values are displayed below; The fourth circle: RichFactor value of each GO term (the number of differential genes in the GO term divided by all the numbers), and each grid line of the background represents 0.1
图 4 PPAR信号通路图
Fig. 4 PPAR signaling pathway
The red box indicates that the genes in this box are up-regulated compared with the control group; the green box indicates that the genes in this box are down-regulated compared with the control group; the red-green box indicates that some genes in this box are up-regulated and some are down-regulated compared with the control group
表 1 实时荧光定量PCR引物序列
Tab. 1 Primer sequences of genes used for RT-qPCR
基因名称 基因编号 上游引物(5′-3′) 下游引物(5′-3′) ACC Rca011875 TCGCCAGTCTCCCAACTCCTAT ACCTGTCCACCTCCTCCTTCAT FAS Rca019519 AGCATCCTGTATCGCCCGTTTGA GTCGGTCCTGTGGGTCTCCTTGT HSL Rca015361 AGCAGTCTGGTTTGGGTTTGGC AGGTTCTGGGTAATGCGTTCA CPT-1 Rca009591 TACCGCTTGGCTATGACTGGAC TTGCTGGAGATGTGGAAGTTGATG MGL Rca013017 CACTGCGACCTTTGACCTCTTTG AACCATCCTTCTGGGCGTAATC PPARα Rca010067 GAGTTCTCATCTTCCTCCTCATCGC GGCACTTGTTGCGGTTCTTCTTT β-actin GU584189 AGGGAAATTGTGCGTGAC AGGCAGCTCGTAGCTCTT 缩写:ACC,acetyl-CoA carboxylase,乙酰辅酶A羧化酶;FAS,fatty acid synthase,脂肪酸合成酶;HSL,hormone-sensitive triglyceride lipase,激素敏感性脂肪酶;CPT-1,carnitine palmityl transferase Ⅰ,肉碱脂酰转移酶Ⅰ;MGL,monoacylglycerol lipase,单酰甘油脂肪酶;PPARα,peroxisome proliferators-activated receptor,过氧化物酶体增殖物激活受体α。 表 2 样品过滤后测序质量评估统计表
Tab. 2 Statistical table of sequencing quality evaluation after sample filtering
处理 样品 RawReads CleanReads(Ratio) CleanData/bp GC/% Q20/% Q30/% 对照 GC-1 41052194 40443694 (98.52%)6033805581 47.91 98.36 94.96 GC-2 39405242 38872552 (98.65%)5802795648 47.66 98.24 94.66 GC-3 38277454 37694004 (98.48%)5623819502 48.03 98.30 94.85 低温 LG-1 41764832 41190146 (98.62%)6148615460 47.65 98.23 94.74 LG-2 42025156 41532498 (98.83%)6206078195 47.94 98.19 94.63 LG-3 41169256 40660388 (98.76%)6075783071 48.16 98.33 94.90 表 3 测序结果比对基因组情况统计表
Tab. 3 Statistics table of sequencing results compared to the genome
处理 样品 Unmapped(Ratio) Unique_Mapped(Ratio) Multiple_Mapped(Ratio) Total_Mapped(Ratio) 对照 GC-1 2505363 (6.20%)35435211 (87.67%)2477732 (6.13%)37912943 (93.80%)GC-2 2677482 (6.89%)34013307 (87.56%)2154317 (5.55%)36167624 (93.11%)GC-3 2784477 (7.39%)32773501 (87.02%)2103880 (5.59%)34877381 (92.61%)低温 LG-1 2918520 (7.10%)36014174 (87.60%)2177240 (5.30%)38191414 (92.90%)LG-2 2690715 (6.49%)36329768 (87.62%)2440121 (5.89%)38769889 (93.51%)LG-3 2159254 (5.32%)35571430 (87.60%)2875492 (7.08%)38446922 (94.68%)表 4 脂代谢相关生物过程及通路的差异基因富集分析
Tab. 4 Differential gene enrichment analysis of lipid metabolism-related biological processes and pathways
数据库 功能/通路 基因数 编号 GO 脂质代谢过程 (lipid metabolic process) 294 GO:0006629 细胞脂质代谢过程 (cellular lipid metabolic process) 218 GO:0044255 脂质生物合成过程 (lipid biosynthetic process) 82 GO:0008610 细胞脂质分解代谢过程 (cellular lipid catabolic process) 26 GO:0044242 脂质分解代谢过程 (lipid catabolic process) 30 GO:0016042 中性脂质代谢过程 (neutral lipid metabolic process) 38 GO:0006638 脂质稳态 (lipid homeostasis) 23 GO:0055088 脂质定位 (lipid localization) 60 GO:0010876 蛋白-脂质复合物亚基组织 (protein-lipid complex subunit organization) 11 GO:0071825 脂质贮藏的积极调节 (positive regulation of lipid storage) 7 GO:0010884 脂质储存的调节 (regulation of lipid storage) 14 GO:0010883 脂质储存 (lipid storage) 15 GO:0019915 脂质代谢过程的正向调节 (positive regulation of lipid metabolic process) 13 GO:0045834 脂质代谢过程的调节 (regulation of lipid metabolic process) 55 GO:0019216 甘油脂代谢过程 (glycerolipid metabolic process) 79 GO:0046486 磷脂代谢过程 (phospholipid metabolic process) 82 GO:0006644 脂质转运 (lipid transport) 48 GO:0006869 脂质过氧化氢反应 (response to lipid hydroperoxide) 2 GO:0006982 KEGG 类固醇生物合成 (Steroid biosynthesis) 16 ko00100 脂肪酸降解 (Fatty acid degradation) 25 ko00071 类固醇激素的合成 (Steroid hormone biosynthesis) 24 ko00140 初级胆汁酸生物合成 (Primary bile acid biosynthesis) 11 ko00120 脂肪酸生物合成 (Fatty acid biosynthesis) 10 ko00061 花生四烯酸代谢 (Arachidonic acid metabolism) 19 ko00590 表 5 糖代谢相关生物过程及通路的差异基因富集分析
Tab. 5 Differential gene enrichment analysis of glucose metabolism-related biological processes and pathways
数据库 功能/通路 基因数 编号 GO 单糖代谢过程 78 GO:0005996 己糖代谢过程 71 GO:0019318 KEGG 糖酵解/糖异生 30 ko00010 半乳糖代谢 15 ko00052 淀粉和蔗糖代谢 16 ko00500 戊糖和葡萄糖醛酸酯的相互转化 17 ko00040 -
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