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孙萍 李艳 潘玉龙 韦钦胜 袁超 张学雷 王宗灵

孙萍,李艳,潘玉龙,等. 热带东印度洋春季浮游植物群落结构空间特征分析[J]. 海洋学报,2020,42(8):76–88 doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2020.08.011
引用本文: 孙萍,李艳,潘玉龙,等. 热带东印度洋春季浮游植物群落结构空间特征分析[J]. 海洋学报,2020,42(8):76–88 doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2020.08.011
Sun Ping,Li Yan,Pan Yulong, et al. Spatial structure characteristics of phytoplankton communities in the tropical eastern Indian Ocean in spring[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2020, 42(8):76–88 doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2020.08.011
Citation: Sun Ping,Li Yan,Pan Yulong, et al. Spatial structure characteristics of phytoplankton communities in the tropical eastern Indian Ocean in spring[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2020, 42(8):76–88 doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2020.08.011


doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2020.08.011
基金项目: 全球变化与海气相互作用专项(GASI-03-01-03-03,GASI-02-IND-STSspr);大洋“十三五”资源环境项目(DY135-E2-4);国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(41506191)。




  • 中图分类号: Q178.53;Q948

Spatial structure characteristics of phytoplankton communities in the tropical eastern Indian Ocean in spring

  • 摘要: 基于2013年3月至5月采集的热带东印度洋海域(10.0°S~4.0°N, 83.0°~97.5°E)浮游植物水样样品,分析了其种类组成、优势类群、细胞丰度等群落特征参数,综合比较了水平和垂向上浮游植物种类及丰度的差异性,初步探讨了其成因。结果表明:2013年春季热带东印度洋微型浮游植物共鉴定出306种,主要由硅藻、甲藻、金藻、蓝藻、裸藻和隐藻六大门类组成,其优势类群主要以粒径较小的隐藻、微型甲藻、菱形藻、环沟藻等为主。水平分布上,各水层浮游植物细胞丰度分布趋势相似,但斑块特征明显,其高值区位于88°E断面赤道以南次表层水域(30 m、75 m),局部区域细胞丰度值可达104 cells/L以上;与其毗邻的东南部、东部水域为低值区,并向赤道延伸。垂直剖面上,硅藻和甲藻广泛分布在各取样深度,但分布特征有明显的空间差异和规律,0 m、30 m大部分站位硅藻种类比例在0.2~0.3甚至更低,甲藻在0.7~0.8,随着水层加深(75 m、100 m、150 m、300 m),硅藻种类占比上升到0.5~0.6,甲藻降低到0.4~0.5,无论硅藻还是甲藻种类数75 m层最丰富。30 m和75 m水层细胞丰度明显高于其他水层。甲藻是热带东印度洋微型浮游植物种类和细胞丰度的重要贡献者,低生物量海域表现的更为明显,贡献率大于80%。该研究将极大丰富东印度洋浮游植物群落空间特征基础信息较匮乏的现状,为量化、评估该海域的生物资源提供数据支撑。
  • 图  1  2013年春季热带东印度洋微型浮游植物观测站位

    Fig.  1  Locations of investigated stations of water phytoplankton in the tropical eastern Indian Ocean in spring 2013

    图  2  2013年春季热带东印度洋微型浮游植物细胞丰度水平分布

    Fig.  2  Horizontal distribution of biomass of water phytoplankton in the tropical eastern Indian Ocean in spring 2013

    图  3  2013年春季热带东印度洋各断面微型浮游植物细胞丰度

    Fig.  3  Distribution of cell abundance of water phytoplankton in the tropical eastern Indian Ocean in spring in 2013

    图  4  2013年春季热带东印度洋不同水层硅藻种类数相对比例


    Fig.  4  Relative proportion of species numbers of diatom in different layers in the tropical eastern Indian Ocean in spring 2013

    The relative proportion of the species number of diatoms or dinoflagellates refers to the proportion of the species number of diatoms or dinoflagellates to the sum of them

    图  5  2013年春季热带东印度洋不同水层甲藻种类数相对比例


    Fig.  5  Relative proportion of species numbers of dinoflagellate in different layers in the tropical eastern Indian Ocean in spring 2013

    The relative proportion of the species number of diatoms or dinoflagellates refers to the proportion of the species number of diatoms or dinoflagellates to the sum of them

    图  6  2013年春季热带东印度洋不同水层甲藻细胞占总丰度比例

    Fig.  6  Proportion of abundance of dinoflagellate vs. total abundance in different layers in the tropical eastern Indian Ocean in spring 2013

    图  7  2013年春季热带东印度洋不同水层硅藻细胞占总丰度比例

    Fig.  7  Proportion of abundance of diatom vs. total abundance in different layers in eastern tropical Indian Ocean in spring in 2013

    图  8  I0416站位硅、甲藻种类和细胞丰度占比及主要营养盐的垂直结构


    Fig.  8  The vertical structure of nutrient, species ratio and cell abundance ratio of diatom and dinoflagellate in Station I0416

    The relative proportion of the species number of diatoms or dinoflagellates refers to the proportion of the species number of diatoms or dinoflagellates to the sum of them

    图  9  I0715站位硅、甲藻种类和细胞丰度占比及主要营养盐的垂直结构


    Fig.  9  The vertical structure of nutrient, species ratio and cell abundance ratio of diatom and dinoflagellate in Station I0715

    The relative proportion of the species number of diatoms or dinoflagellates refers to the proportion of the species number of diatoms or dinoflagellates to the sum of them

    表  1  2013年春季东印度洋微型浮游植物优势类群或优势种

    Tab.  1  Dominant group or species of water phytoplankton in the tropical eastern Indian Ocean in spring 2013

    优势种类平均细胞丰度/102 cells·L−1占细胞总丰度比例/%出现频率/%优势度
    0 m30 m75 m100 m150 m300 m0 m30 m75 m100 m150 m300 m0 m30 m75 m100 m150 m300 m
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    表  2  2013年春季热带东印度洋不同断面浮游植物物种数和细胞丰度

    Tab.  2  Species and cell abundance of water phytoplankton in the tropical eastern Indian Ocean in spring 2013

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    表  3  不同水层出现的浮游植物种类数及硅、甲藻相对比例

    Tab.  3  Species and relative proportion of diatoms and dinoflagellates in different water layers

    0 m1~12(n=35)4.5±2.40.244~22(n=35)14.2±3.90.767~5220±5
    30 m3~17(n=35)6.5±3.80.289~27(n=35)16.5±4.70.7216~3524±6
    75 m6~26(n=35)11.1±4.90.496~20(n=35)11.4±4.00.5113~4424±6
    100 m4~14(n=35)9.0±3.30.443~13(n=35)6.7±2.30.568~2517±5
    150 m2~12(n=35)6.9±2.70.612~9(n=35)4.5±1.80.397~2113±4
    300 m0~10(n=35)4.3±2.40.580~8(n=35)3.1±1.80.423~169±4
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    表  4  1960年东印度洋爪洼岛临近海域不同水层出现的浮游植物种类[11]

    Tab.  4  Species of phytoplankton in different water layers of the sea area near Java Island in the tropical eastern Indian Ocean in 1960[11]

    13th0~20 m93290.290.71
    20~50 m87240.380.62
    50~100 m31130.240.76
    100~200 m3080.270.73
    15th0~20 m102320.290.71
    20~50 m133310.310.69
    50~100 m51170.260.74
    100~200 m4080.330.67
    16th0~20 m95300.330.67
    20~50 m72140.390.61
    50~100 m3190.310.69
    100~200 m4070.360.64
      注:这3个站位经纬度分别为13th:12°46′S,97°19′E;15th:10°11′S,98°42′E;16th:8°15′S,100°05′E;采样方式为垂直分层采样,网目94 μm。
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