The impact of pile spacing and wave direction on wave energy variation in pile-net enclosed aquaculture areas
摘要: 围栏养殖海域波浪场的能量分布不仅对海域内的营养物质输送起到关键影响,同时也是内侧结构设施在设计校验时需要重点考虑的水文因素。因此,对波浪场受围栏结构影响导致的能量变化进行研究具有重要意义。利用FUNWAVE 2.0 数值模型模拟了不规则波浪在不同结构围栏养殖海域的传播过程,讨论了桩柱间距及波浪入射方向对波浪能量变化的影响。结果表明,内部设施如果距离外侧围栏较近,在保证强度稳定前提下,桩距选取应小于10 m,而如果距离外侧围栏较远,则应该选取大于10 m的桩距。此外,即使斜向入射波浪场,也有可能在某些特定位置处对围栏设施造成比正向入射波浪场更为剧烈的作用,在设计时同样也应该予以考虑。
- 桩柱式围栏 /
- FUNWAVE 模型 /
- 能量变化 /
- 斜向传播
Abstract: The distribution of wave energy in enclosure aquaculture areas not only significantly influences nutrient transport but also constitutes a critical hydrological factor in validating the design of structures in inner aquaculture area. Investigating the changes in wave field energy influenced by these structures is crucial. The FUNWAVE 2.0 numerical model was employed to simulate irregular wave propagation in aquaculture areas with varying pile-net enclosure structures. The effects of pile spacing and incident wave angles in the evolution of wave energy was examined. The results indicate that if the internal facilities are positioned close to the outer pile-net enclosure structure, the pile spacing should be less than 1.0 m, provided that structural stability is ensured. Conversely, if the internal facilities are located farther from the outer pile-net enclosure, a pile spacing greater than 1.0 m should be selected. Additionally, oblique wave incidents may pose greater structural challenges at certain locations compared to normally incident waves, which should also be considered during design.-
Key words:
- pile-net enclosure structure /
- FUNWAVE model /
- energy variation /
- oblique propagation
图 8 波浪能量在不同桩距工况下的变化过程,其中x表示波浪传播距离,L为桩距;蓝色虚线表示排桩所在位置,橙色点划线表示底坡初始位置
Fig. 8 The evolution of wave energy with respect to different pile spacing condition, x denote the wave propagation distance, and L is the pile spacing; the blue dashed line indicate the location of the pile row, and the orange dotted line marks the initial position of the bottom slope
表 1 物理试验部分组次的试验参数
Tab. 1 The experimental parameters for the groups in the physical tests
工况 有效波高/cm 水深/cm 谱峰周期/s 礁坡斜率 1 7.92 43.9 0.99 1/5 2 7.68 43.9 1.26 1/5 3 7.32 43.9 1.41 1/5 4 9.14 43.9 1.84 1/5 表 2 入射波浪要素
Tab. 2 Incident wave parameters
入射波工况 波高/cm 周期/s 波长/m 波陡 1 10.41 0.80 1.00 0.10 2 16.53 1.00 1.54 0.11 表 3 网衣模型规格
Tab. 3 Specifications of the net
网衣工况 目脚长度/mm 网线直径/mm 网衣密实度 A 21 1.0 0.10 B 16 2.6 0.22 C 25 3.6 0.29 表 4 模拟采用的波况及多孔介质参数
Tab. 4 Wave condition parameters and porous coefficients adopted in simulations
工况 水深h/m 周期Tp/s 波高Hs0/m 桩距L/m 入射角度/(°) 桩径D/m Cn Ct 模型参数 1 1.2 3.5 0.3 0.4 / 0.6 / 0.8 / 1.0 45 / 75 / 90 0.1 76.3 10.4 2 1.0 3.0 0.2 0.4 / 0.6 / 0.8 / 1.0 45 / 75 / 90 0.1 81.9 10.7 3 1.0 3.0 0.2 / / / / / 对应原型值 1 12 12 3.0 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 45 / 75 / 90 1.0 2 10 10 2.0 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 45 / 75 / 90 1.0 3 10 10 2.0 / / / 注:工况3中的“/”表示未考虑结构影响的纯波浪工况。 -
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