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王梓峻 屈科 王旭 王超 王傲宇

王梓峻,屈科,王旭,等. 复杂岛礁地形下类海啸波复合式岸礁的传播演变特性及其对海墙的冲击作用[J]. 海洋学报,2024,46(x):1–13 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024000
引用本文: 王梓峻,屈科,王旭,等. 复杂岛礁地形下类海啸波复合式岸礁的传播演变特性及其对海墙的冲击作用[J]. 海洋学报,2024,46(x):1–13 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024000
WANG Zijun,QU Ke,WANG Xu, et al. The Characteristics of Propagation and Evolution of Composite Shore Reefs in the Context of Complex Island and Reef Topography and Their Impact on Sea Walls[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2024, 46(x):1–13 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024000
Citation: WANG Zijun,QU Ke,WANG Xu, et al. The Characteristics of Propagation and Evolution of Composite Shore Reefs in the Context of Complex Island and Reef Topography and Their Impact on Sea Walls[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2024, 46(x):1–13 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024000


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024000
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划课题(2022YFC3103601);国家自然科学基金重点项目(51839002);湖南省自然科学基金项目( 2021JJ20043)。




  • 中图分类号: P75

The Characteristics of Propagation and Evolution of Composite Shore Reefs in the Context of Complex Island and Reef Topography and Their Impact on Sea Walls

  • 摘要: 真实海洋环境中真实的的岛礁通常具有地形是复合式地貌,复合的,礁坪呈现出是非平整的特征。以往大量的研究工作主要关注简化的台阶式岛礁模型,并未对复合式岸礁非平整礁坪对波浪传播演变特性的影响开展深入的研究工作。为了弥补前人研究的不足,本文开展了物理模型试验,系统研究了类海啸波在复合式岸礁上的传播演变特性,以往的研究并没有考虑礁坪地形的非平整性对孤立波带来的影响,因此本文并且分析了入射波高,礁坪水深的影响。为了研究不同入射波条件下非平整礁坪几何特征对类海啸波传播演变以及海墙载荷特性的影响,本文进一步开展了一系列的高分辨率数值计算。先通过物理试验来验证数值模拟方法的准确性,再用数值计算研究了孤立波的入射波高和礁坪淹没水深2种波浪要素以及第二礁坪高度、礁坪台阶位置和礁前斜坡坡度3种复杂岛礁地形因素影响下孤立波的沿程最大波高、反射系数、最大爬高、海墙的最大冲击压强分布、海墙的最大总力与总力矩的变化规律。研究结果表明:孤立波的反射系数随入射波高的增大而减小,随礁坪水深的增大而增大,最大爬高随入射波高的增大而增大,随礁前斜坡的cotα增大而减小。海墙的最大总力与最大总力矩随入射波高和礁坪水深的增大而增大,随第二礁坪的高度增大而降低。海墙上最大冲击压强出现的位置会随入射波高的增大、礁坪水深的增大、礁坪台阶距离海墙距离的减小而上升。研究结果可为进一步保护沿海设施免受极端海洋环境的影响提供一定的参考。
  • 图  1  试验水槽布置图

    Fig.  1  Layout of the Experimental Water Tank

    图  2  试验所求不同波浪要素下孤立波的反射系数与最大爬高

    Fig.  2  The reflection coefficients and maximum run-up of solitary waves under different wave elements as required by the experiment

    图  3  流速和爬高的时间序列对比(左为流速,右为爬高)

    Fig.  3  Time Series Comparison of Flow Velocity and Run-up (Left for Flow Velocity, Right for Run-up)

    图  4  自由表面时间序列对比

    Fig.  4  Comparison of Time Series of Free Surfaces

    图  5  不同时刻水体的速度云图

    Fig.  5  Velocity Cloud Charts of Water Body at Different Moments

    图  6  不同入射波高下的沿程最大波高分布

    Fig.  6  Distribution of the Maximum Wave Height along the Path under Different Incident Wave Heights

    图  7  不同入射波高下海墙所受最大压强的沿墙分布(左侧:含静水压强,右侧:动水压强)

    Fig.  7  Distribution of the Maximum Pressure on the Seawall at Different Incident Wave Heights along the Wall (Left: Including Hydrostatic Pressure, Right: Hydrodynamic Pressure)

    图  8  不同入射波高下海墙所受最大总力与最大总力矩

    Fig.  8  The Maximum Total Force and Torque Received by the Seawall under Different Incident Wave Heights

    图  9  不同礁坪水深下的沿程最大波高分布

    Fig.  9  Distribution of the Maximum Wave Height along the Wave Path at Different Water Depths on the Reef Flat

    图  10  不同礁坪水深下海墙所受最大压强的沿墙分布(左侧:含静水压强,右侧:动水压强)

    Fig.  10  Distribution of the Maximum Pressure on the Seawall at Different Water Depths of the Reef Platform (Left: Static Water Pressure, Right: Dynamic Water Pressure)

    图  11  不同礁坪水深下海墙所受最大总力与最大总力矩

    Fig.  11  The Maximum Total Force and Torque Experienced by the Seawall at Different Depths of the Reef Flat

    图  12  不同第二礁坪高度下孤立波的沿程最大波高分布

    Fig.  12  Distribution of the Maximum Wave Height along the Wave Crest for Solitary Waves at Different Heights of the Second Reef

    图  13  不同第二礁坪高度条件下孤立波的反射系数、最大爬高、海墙所受最大总力与最大总力矩

    Fig.  13  Reflection Coefficients, Maximum Run-Up, Maximum Total Force and Maximum Torque of Solitary Waves under Different Heights of the Second Reef

    图  14  不同第二礁坪高度下海墙所受最大压强的沿墙分布(左侧:含静水压强,右侧:动水压强)

    Fig.  14  Distribution of the Maximum Pressure on the Seawall at Different Heights of the Second Reef Platform (Left: Static Water Pressure, Right: Dynamic Water Pressure)

    图  15  不同礁坪台阶位置下孤立波的沿程最大波高分布

    Fig.  15  Distribution of the Maximum Wave Height along the Wave Crest for Solitary Waves at Different Positions of Reef Platform Steps

    图  16  不同礁坪台阶位置条件下孤立波的反射系数、最大爬高、海墙所受最大总力与最大总力矩

    Fig.  16  Reflection Coefficients, Maximum Run-Up, Maximum Total Force and Maximum Torque of Solitary Waves under Different Positions of Reef Platform Steps

    图  17  不同礁坪台阶位置下海墙所受最大压强的沿墙分布(左侧:含静水压强,右侧:动水压强)

    Fig.  17  Distribution of the Maximum Pressure on the Seawall at Different Positions of the Reef Platform along the Wall (Left: Static Water Pressure, Right: Dynamic Water Pressure)

    图  18  不同礁前斜坡坡度下孤立波的沿程最大波高分布

    Fig.  18  Distribution of the Maximum Wave Height along the Wave Crest for Solitary Waves under Different Reef-Front Slope Gradients

    图  19  不同礁前斜坡坡度条件下孤立波的反射系数、最大爬高、海墙所受最大总力与最大总力矩

    Fig.  19  Reflection Coefficients, Maximum Run-Up, Maximum Total Force and Maximum Torque on the Sea Wall for Solitary Waves under Different Reef-Front Slope Gradients

    图  20  不同礁前斜坡坡度下海墙所受最大压强的沿墙分布(左侧:含静水压强,右侧:动水压强)

    Fig.  20  Distribution of the Maximum Pressure on the Seawall along the Wall at Different Reef-Front Slope Gradients (Left: Static Water Pressure, Right: Dynamic Water Pressure)

    表  1  浪高仪位置

    Tab.  1  Position of the Wave Height Gauge

    浪高仪编号 WG1 WG2 WG3 WG4 WG5 WG6 WG7
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    表  2  孤立波试验工况表

    Tab.  2  Table of Isolated Wave Test Conditions

    H0 / mhr / mHp / mLp / mcotα
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  3  孤立波的数值模拟验证工况表

    Tab.  3  Table of Numerical Simulation Verification Conditions for Solitary Waves

    H0 / mh / mHp / mLp / mcotα
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  4  不同入射波高下孤立波的数值模拟工况表

    Tab.  4  Numerical Simulation Working Conditions for Solitary Waves under Different Incident Wave Heights

    H0 / mh / mHp / mLp / mcotα
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  5  不同礁坪水深下孤立波的数值模拟工况表

    Tab.  5  Numerical Simulation Working Conditions for Solitary Waves on Reef Flats at Different Water Depths

    h*rH0 / mHp / mLp / mcotα
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  6  不同第二礁坪高度下孤立波的数值模拟工况表

    Tab.  6  Numerical Simulation Working Conditions for Solitary Waves at Different Heights of the Second Reef

    Hp / mH0 / mh / mLp / mcotα
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  7  不同礁坪台阶位置下孤立波的数值模拟工况表

    Tab.  7  Numerical Simulation Working Conditions for Solitary Waves at Different Reef Platform Step Positions

    Lp / mH0 / mh / mHp / mcotα
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  8  不同礁前斜坡角度下孤立波的数值模拟工况表

    Tab.  8  Numerical Simulation Working Conditions for Solitary Waves under Different Reef-Front Slope Angles

    cotαH0 / mh / mHp / mLp / m
    下载: 导出CSV
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